3-year-old rushed to hospital after playing with popular toy – now mom wants to warn people

Lydia Cravens is rightly outraged and concerned. She wants all mothers and fathers to know exactly why.

She gave her 3-year-old daughter a makeup set so that the girl could play with it. After having applied the makeup to her face, however, the girl’s skin reacted in a most disturbing way.

The mother has now explained in a Facebook post what happened:

 “About 8 days ago we bought this makeup set from the Family Dollar here in town.. Thinking it was harmless ..non toxic .. kids make up set and having bought Lydia this same type of thing .. just different brand …we never imagined after spending the day applying to her eyes and lips that our worst nightmare would come true..”

Source: Facebook

The product in question had caused a severe allergic reaction. A rash erupted all over her daughter’s body and her lips cracked and became sore. After taking the girl to hospital, Lydia was told she would have to stay there to be monitored.

Source: Facebook

She couldn’t eat for several days and had to be treated for more than a week while she recovered.

Source: Facebook

According to Lydia’s Facebook post, the children’s beauty set that she purchased contained six chemicals that are known to cause allergic reactions to people with sensitive skin.

Source: Facebook

You can see Lydia’s full post below:

Now Lydia wants to warn other parents over the hidden dangers.

“PLEASE be aware of what you are letting your babies have… ESPECIALLY kids cosmetics…. so this doesn’t happen to your child…”

The mother has also published a photo of the makeup set that brought this misery upon her family:

Help us share this mother’s warning. Whether it be this product or another one entirely, we must be careful when it comes to what we let children play with. It’s always important to check warnings and make sure that allergy-related incidents and the like are avoided where possible.

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