COVID-19 sufferers in Italy get iPads to say goodbye to loved ones

The thought of our elderly loved ones being diagnosed with COVID-19 is more than most of us can bear but what most of us don’t think about is the fact they will have to be placed in isolation.

Those at risk of dying have to suffer alone without the hand of a loved one to hold, I can’t imagine how terrifying that must be, not to mention how hard it must be for their families who have to stay away.

Now a fundraising mission is being launched in Italy to get as many iPads into hospitals so those COVID-19 sufferers, who are isolated and at risk of dying, can say goodbye to their relatives.

Patients in solitude

It’s not the same as physical contact but it’s better than being alone with no familiar face to look at.

Politician Lorenzo Mussotto, based in Milan, heard a heartbreaking story from one doctor in Italy who recounted the pain of those admitted to hospital and were placed in complete solitude.

“(They were) isolated from their families and friends, aware of what was about to happen and the lack of technological means so they couldn’t make video calls with their families,” Lorenzo wrote on his Facebook page.

Lorenzo, who said he had to be quarantined himself for 14 days after coming into contact with a friend who contracted the coronavirus, donated a number of iPads to his local hospital and is now appealing for help to fund more.

“The idea of ​​not being able to say goodbye hurts me more than death itself and there are other nursing homes, hospitals and hospices where there is no longer the possibility of saying goodbye,” he said after launching the initiative called “The Right to Say Goodbye.”

He urged people to contact their local health departments and make a donation adding: “I am deeply convinced of the importance of masks, gloves, machinery (that’s why we accompanied tablets with a donation of 1000 euros) but the right to say goodbye, for those who leave and for those who stay, must not be less.”

The number of people with coronavirus in Italy has almost reached 70,000, with 6,820 deaths.

We are living in scary and uncertain times where we need to do all we can to stay healthy. We can support those who are suffering while also practicing social distancing.

Let’s share to show our support for this idea, if we can do something to lessen the pain of this situation we are doing our bit for humanity.

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