Husband Tells Wife To Stay Home From Work. When She Learns Why, She Gets the Surprise of Her Life.

While his wife was in the kitchen preparing for a normal day at work, Derrick took out his camera and started filming her in the kitchen.

In the clip below, he explains that she doesn’t need to go to work and they’re going to the airport. She thinks he’s joking. Then he exclaims, “Happy Anniversary! Five years.”

They’re about to travel to Europe.

Derrick’s wife still doesn’t believe him. “Are you serious? Do you promise?” she says.

And he’s not lying.

Then come the tears… 🙂

Watch the full clip below to see how happy Derrick’s wife is when she realizes what he’s done to plan all this. All she had to do was to pack her bags. Fantastic job, Derrick!

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