Babies are capable of all sorts of mischief once they’re able to walk. Take your eyes off them for a second and you’ll likely turn back to see them doing something they shouldn’t be.
What one mom caught on her baby monitor, however, melted her heart for all the right reasons.
Laura Dalton is mom to a pair of 18-month-old twins named Jacob and Noah. As per reports, she’s had to get used to their rough and tumble style of play; they love nothing more than wrestling one another.
Yet Laura’s worry turned to heart-bursting pride when she saw footage caught on a baby monitor after she’d put her boys down for their afternoon nap.
As she watched the screen, half expecting them to be doing something naughty, she glimpsed them instead giving each other a cuddle.
The boys can be seen tip-toeing to reach each other, embracing through the bars in an act that caused Laura’s heart to swell.
“They have a brilliant bond,” Laura said, as per Metro.
“This made me burst with love. ‘Because they do fight over toys, it’s lovely to know they love each other. I couldn’t believe it when I saw them hugging on the monitor. ‘When they’ve been fighting all day, it’s great to see [them hugging].”
She added: “They never normally go to sleep straight away. They’ll romp about in their cots and chuck their teddies from one bed to the other. It’s their safe haven in the bedroom. Doing it of their own accord is very sweet.
“Normally, if Noah is sitting playing with something happily, Jacob will want it. He won’t just want his own ball, he’ll want both of them.”
Aren’t babies just a gift unto the world? It makes me smile to see such stories.
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