Mother’s world turns upside down after 3-year-old’s tragic accident, now she is warning others


When Colton’s mother, Kaitlin, was told what was wrong with her son, she immediately went white. He had broken his femur (thigh bone), the strongest bone in his body.

Kaitlin also got another shocking bit of news – children under six years old should never go on trampolines.

The American Acedemy of Pediatrics made the recommendation. The organization explains that since the bones of small children are delicate and still developing, repeated bouncing is obviously not good for them.

Unfortunately, however, most parents are unaware of this.


Colton was in a body cast from his waist down for six weeks. It was no fun at all for the rambunctious little boy.

“We hope by sharing his story it will prevent a child and their family from experiencing the trauma and heartbreak associated with trampoline injuries in young children,” Kaitlin wrote on her Facebook page on July 7.

Kaitlin hopes that that sharing this information will lead to increased knowledge among parents with young children, so that other kids don’t have to go through the terrible suffering that Colton did.


Please help us share this warning so that more parents get this important information!

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