By the time she was 9-years-old, Breanna Bond weighed 186 pounds. She had trouble getting around and she even had a hard time breathing. But that wasn’t her only struggle. Her classmates called her all sorts of names, including “fat head” and “fatty.” It was no easy life for a fifth-grader. But Breanna’s weight gain didn’t happen overnight. She was an overweight baby and reached 100 pounds by the first day of kindergarten. Suspecting a medical condition, Breanna’s mother, Heidi, had her tested for everything from diabetes to a thyroid issue, but doctor’s couldn’t find anything. So instead of allowing their daughter to gain weight and face a host of potential health issues, Breanna’s parents decided to practice some tough love and help turn Breanna’s health around.
The Bonds didn’t place all of the burden on their daughter though. Heidi designed a health and diet plan for the whole family to follow. And Breanna’s results are a testament to her mother’s plan. After walking a four-mile trail every day and eating healthy food, Breanna lost 66 pounds in less than a year.
Now Breanna continues to exercise and eat healthy food. And she no longer has trouble breathing or struggles to keep up with her friends!
Breanna’s mom says, “[Breanna] is an inspiration to the world and all children who are having weight issues across America, that you can do it with a pair of tennis shoes and motivation.”
The family have three tips for parents looking to keep their children healthy: start as soon as possible, exercise, and enforce healthy eating habits. “Don’t be afraid to do the tough love. It’s worth it in the long run. It’s their life that’s at stake.”
Amazing job, Breanna! You’re an inspiration!
If you know anyone who could gain inspiration from Brianna’s story, please share it.
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