Popular fast food restaurant takes down sign about only allowing “well behaved” kids to eat there after backlash from mom

Shouldering the many responsibilities that being a parent entails is never easy. Not only are you tasked with ensuring that they stay safe, loved, and looked after, but it also falls on you to see to it that they grow into respectable, law-abiding adults.

Speaking from experience, it can sometimes feel like you’re failing at the latter, even when you aren’t.

Kids go through no end of phases that seem as though they’re specifically designed to test the patience of their mothers and father. Teaching them right and wrong is obviously of great importance, but no amount of rules in the world are enough to keep them in line if your son or daughter is of a mind to act out.

Children will be children, after all.

Fortunately, most people are well aware of this, and so those outings in public where your little one takes it upon his or herself to throw a tantrum are rarely as disastrous as they might seem.

As parents, it’s of great relief that the majority of individuals are understanding when it comes to the ever-changing, unpredictable behavior of young children.

Which is likely why one Arby’s in Minnesota caused such a stir when they introduced a new sign to the front of their restaurant a few years ago intending to limit the sort of children coming in.

Credit / Shutterstock – Anna Kraynova (Stock Photo)

The story in question comes from mom-of-three Christine Hemsworth, who visited her local Arby’s in the town of Elk River in October, 2019.

She was shocked to see a new sign hanging from the door that read: “Only well behaved Children who can keep their food on their trays and their bottoms on their seats are welcome. If you can’t do this you will be asked to leave.” 

Christine’s first reaction was one of unease, mainly because she had a two-year-old.

She explained to KARE 11: “I was like ‘oh gosh.’ I’ve got a two-year-old with me and he doesn’t always keep his fries on the tray or his bottom on the seat. He sometimes stands up.”

Since Christine had a coupon for a family meal, she decided that she and her children would eat there anyway, though she claimed she couldn’t relax during the course of their time there.

Story from the weekend still has some buzz: Do you think Arby's store managers should have been disciplined after…

Posted by KARE 11 on Monday, November 11, 2019

“It was kind of uncomfortable in the restaurant the time we were there,” she explained.

When she got home, Christine wrote a Facebook post about Arby’s unusual poster. “I’m not a complainer — I’m really not,” she told TODAY. “But this just didn’t sit well with me. The manager could have addressed the message to people individually, not assigned it to the general public.”

Unsurprisingly, Christine’s story has made its way to the internet a number of times in recent years. It sparks a debate among commenters each time, with some of the opinion that Arby’s are in the wrong. Most, though, say that it should be up parents to ensure that their children are adequately disciplined.

“Too bad,” one wrote. “I hate it when parents cannot control their children. My son is now 30 and has most respect for others because I raised him to be respectful of others.”

They need a sign that says “only well behaved parents” ?” another added.

A third stated: “Eating out in nice restaurants is a luxury for most of us these days! If I’m spending that much money, I dont want to listen to screaming kids!

A fourth chimed: ““We don’t have Sunday lunches out anymore due to the chaos and noise of poorly raised children – not their fault but the parents.

Following Christine’s post on social media, Arby’s issued a statement apologizing.

“We recognize the language on this sign was insensitive. We removed it quickly, and have disciplined the manager and team working at the restaurant. It does not reflect our company values and the family-friendly environment we aim to provide in all of our restaurants,” a spokesperson told TODAY.

What do you think to Arby’s putting up that sign? Let us know your thoughts.

Meanwhile, if you found this article to be an interesting read, check out the mother-in-law who refuses to eat Thanksgiving dinner and brings her own cooked meals instead.


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