Woman snaps eerie photo of “zombie” people standing frozen on beach – the truth is not what anyone expected

Given the vast enormity of the internet, and the untold number of people who use it around the world on a daily basis, it’s hardly surprising that every now and again we come across content that leaves us stumped.

That was certainly the case for a selection of Facebook users in Australia after a woman shared what at first glance appears to be a rather eerie photo of a group of people standing in a trance on a beach.

As per reports, the individual who uploaded the photo, named Francesca, had been taking a leisurely stroll close to Balmoral Beach in Mosman, Australia, when she noticed something undeniably strange taking place near the edge of the water.

Interestingly enough, it wasn’t that anything peculiar was happening as much as that nothing was happening. Francesca spotted a group of people gathered on the sand, only they seemed to be transfixed, staring out at the water as though in some sort of trance.

To make matters even more mystical, the group of six were all dressed in black. Five of them stood stock still at the edge of the ocean, while another lay flat on the ground behind them.

Credit / Wikimedia Commons

Not quite sure what she’d stumbled upon, Francesca snapped a photo and took it the one place she knew she’d be able to get some sort of answer: the internet.

Now, we’ll be the first to admit we didn’t have a clue what was going on when we initially saw Francesca’s photo. The makeup of the picture is perhaps reminiscent of a scene from a sci-fi-infused horror film – indeed, one person even commented on the image to say it looked “like a zombie movie”.

“Does anyone know why people stand individually on Balmoral Beach on Sunday mornings? I would love to know,” Francesca wrote on Facebook, posting her photo in a group called Mosman Living.

Fortunately, help was at hand. Mosman Living shared Francesca’s unique picture, explaining: “It turns out the group were doing a walking meditation (walking, standing still & lying down) according to the teachings of Dr Joe Dispenza. They meet most Sundays and all are welcome!”

Local Francesca Evans noticed this scene on Balmoral Beach recently and asked our Facebook group members if they could…

Posted by Mosman Living on Monday, September 4, 2023

Yes, you read that right, the six people were simply meditating, and they’re not zombies in any way, shape, or form (we feel the need to made that clear beyond any doubt).

Though many of us might be of the belief that one usually meditates by sitting down and crossing one’s legs in a quiet, tranquil room, Dr. Dispenza’s website explains that there are actually four types of meditation: sitting, standing, walking, and lying down.

Dispenza writes: “The walking meditation is a great way for us to begin to not only embody our future while living in the present moment, but to start practicing living in that energy—living in that future behavior, living in those future choices, living in those future thoughts, and living in the feelings that create our future.”

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Be honest, what did you think was going on in Francesca’s photo? Let us know in the comments box.