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Aussie dad devastated over newborn daughter, US-based girlfriend makes crushing decision

Aussie dad devastated over newborn daughter, US-based girlfriend makes crushing decision

An Australian man is “heartbroken and empty” after his homesick girlfriend, who was pregnant with their child, left to visit ...

Parents shocked after baby born beaming ear to ear – when doctors finally find out why, everyone falls silent

When Ayla Summer Mucha was born in December 2021, she shocked her new parents by greeting them with a huge ...

Woman snaps eerie photo of "zombie" people standing frozen on beach – the truth is not what anyone expected

Given the vast enormity of the internet, and the untold number of people who use it around the world on ...

Middle schooler has her back-to-school picture photobombed by an unexpected guest

Recently, a young girl was posing for a school photo in Auburn, Alabama, when she got an unexpected guest in ...

In an act of kindness, this landlord left a home he owned to the tenant he had rented it to for more than 20 years

Imagine putting 20 years of work into a home you don’t own, only to be suddenly give that home at ...

Nicole Kidman stuns Keith Urban during his concert by calling herself 'Nicole Urban'

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are practically Australia’s royal couple with the amount of clout they have both in their ...