Summer at my house is all about fresh fruit. My kids love it and I love helping them build good eating habits. So I bring a constant stream of watermelons, peaches, strawberries, and other summer fruit into my house. But the problem is, the fruit also attracts a constant stream of ants. What to do? I try not to expose my kids to harmful chemicals, so pesticides are out. Last summer, we all made a pact to be as neat as possible (I know—impossible with kids, right?), but the ants still came. We even found the little buggers once when we came back from a weekend away. They were like guests that arrived early just to chat with us while we made dinner. So when I saw this video of 10 summer life hacks, I thought I’d give it a chance. The presenter has a chemical-free trick to get rid of ants. It sounded a little strange at first, but I when I looked it up online after, I found out that a lot of people have had success with it.
All you need to make a natural ant deterrent are some popcorn and blender. Just blend the popcorn on high for 30 seconds and you’re done. You’ve now got cornmeal, which is one of those rare foods that ants can’t stand. Sprinkle a bit in areas that ants frequent. In a few days, they’ll be gone and you can sweep up the cornmeal. I’m going to give it a try as soon as the ants arrive this year. I’d like to have my fruit and eat it, too!
But that’s just one of the tricks in this collection. I’m also excited to try the fruit fly hack (those other annoying summer insects!) and the sneaky way of keeping your valuables safe on the beach. Finally, my whole family will be able to swim at the same time without worrying that someone is going to steal our stuff!
Check out these hacks and all of the others in the video below!
Looking forward to try out these ideas this summer? Share them with your friends!
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