Kaylee Rodgers is no ordinary girl.
The 10-year-old, who has autism and ADHD, has not always had it easy in life.
People with autism often have difficulty initiating and maintaining conversations with others. For Kaylee, this meant she was very shy.
She could barely read aloud in class, and standing up in front of everyone for a presentation was unthinkable just a few years ago. But when Kaylee joined Killard House School, in Northern Ireland, things began to change.
Kaylee had always loved singing, and this quickly turned into her way to overcome some of the challenges posed by her autism and ADHD.
Kaylee’s mother Tracy Rodgers tells BBC that her daughter’s new music teacher, Lloyd Scates, played a very important role in nurturing Kaylee’s very special talent.
All of this culminated into her school’s Christmas show. Chosen to be the lead singer, her performance speaks volumes about how far she’s come.
Singing a holiday version of Leonard Cohen’s legendary “Hallelujah”, her voice will bring shivers down your spine. It is unadultered and unique in a most formidable way.
Please have a look and enjoy below, and don’t forget to share this magical performance if it touched you, too!
What a voice! I’m sure that the late Leonard Cohen would be most proud of this incredibly talented 10-year-old singing his song so beautifully.
Like and love to share Kaylee’s magical performance, so that more people get the chance to discover this amazingly talented girl!
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