22-year-old woman who didn’t know she was pregnant gives birth while out hiking in national park 

Medical emergencies can happen to anyone at any point in their lives. This is what happened to a young 22-year-old tourist who suddenly felt pain and required help. But what happened next is something no one was expecting.

Keep reading to know more about this unbelievable story.

A 22-year-old woman from Luxembourg was hiking in Croatia’s Paklenica National Park. While on the hike, she began to feel some pain and made her way to a public toilet in the area.

Emergency teams were notified of the incident and responded as soon as they could, but when they got there, the worst of it had already been over.

In the public toilet in the remote section of the national park, the woman had given birth to a baby girl. However… the young woman had no idea that she was pregnant hence the birth came as a big surprise for her as well.


By the time emergency services arrived, the woman was at the last stage of labor.

Members of the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service (HGSS) came to her aid an hour after she had given birth. A gynecologist and anesthesiologist associated with HGSS came two hours after the birth. The anesthesiologist, Dr. Adela reached the new mother first. Dr. Dora, a gynecologist reached the new mother’s side two hours after the birth; she was accompanied by her husband and her own 4 month old infant.

“An incredible combination of circumstances, but we are all happy that everything ended well! The lady gave birth on her own in the toilet. Her family and a ranger were with her, and all went well because the pregnancy was without complications, and the birth ended up happening on its own”, Dr. Dora said. She revealed that she had cut the umbilical cord two hours after the birth.


“The baby came out fine, head first, and everything went well. The girl is doing well, it seems she was born on time, somewhat smaller than average, but that was just my assessment,” she said.

When asked how it was possible that the young woman had no idea she was pregnant, the doctor replied, “I would not go into evaluating this case; there are various possible reasons for such a phenomenon. It is possible that the woman did not have a bigger belly, maybe she had fewer symptoms; everything is possible.”

She had hiked to where the new mother was with her husband Marko Rakovec, who is a deputy head of the HGSS. She herself is not a member of HGSS while Dr. Adela was. When Dr. Adela reached the mother, she assisted in delivering the placenta.


“My husband and I went there with our baby an hour after the anesthesiologist, who was part of the duty team. Carrying our baby, we followed the mother and her little girl down. Our baby went with us because I’m still breastfeeding. We escorted the mother and the newborn to the Starigrad ambulance and then to the Zadar hospital” Dr. Dora shared.

“The mother was fine when I arrived, the baby too; I cut the umbilical cord under sterile conditions, according to the protocol, after the emergency department brought the equipment, which the HGSS member went down to get,” she ended.

Dr. Adela also recounted what had happened. She said, “I happened to be in HGSS’s house on duty, which is lucky. We received a call on the official phone that there was someone up there who, we were told, was “not well, feeling sick” We had no idea that the lady was pregnant and giving birth. We headed up with the stretchers and the rest of the equipment. It took a little over an hour of hiking, and we arrived to see a woman who had just given birth alone in the toilet. The Park ranger and her family were with her.” 


“We took the baby and took care of her, called an ambulance to deliver medicine, infusion, and everything else that was needed, after which our colleague Atlija went down and brought it back to the top. We started the care she needed to compensate for her lost blood and monitored her condition. Our gynecologist colleague arrived next. We took the mother down on the stretcher, where the ambulance could reach us. As the vehicle did not have a doctor, my colleague and I got on board, and we took the child and mother to [the hospital],” she said.

It seems the baby was born healthy and weighed around 7.2 lb. And the mother is also said to be doing well.


Well this is one incident that no one will forget! What do you think about the young mother being unaware of her pregnancy? Let us know in the comments.

Share this incredible story with others as well to see what they think.