Dionne Warwick is a national treasure! She has had a stellar career, making hits since 1955, and at 82 years old, the singer is still going strong. The singer has been performing for a long time so when news of her canceling shows came out fans were of course concerned.
And the reason for the cancelation of her shows has everyone worried… Keep reading more information.

Dionne Warwick was set to have performances from June 22-24 but they have now been canceled and fans informed that they will receive a refund for their tickets as well.
The 82-year-old was all set to perform at the Rivers Casino Des Plaines outside of Chicago however now the performances have been canceled. Fans noticed the status of the performance on Thursday which caused concern.
It has now been learned that the famed singer had a minor medical incident and is currently on the mend. Her shows in New York and Delaware next month are still happening according to reports.

Dionne Warwick is still incredibly active not just in her professional career but also on social media, often being hailed as the ‘Queen of Twitter’ given how active she is on the platform. In a recent interview she did with her son, Damon Elliott, he asked her a few questions about her social media presence.
The singer replied “the first one” referring to her tweet directed at Chance the Rapper that sent everyone on Twitter into a frenzy.
In a tweet in December 2020, the 82-year-old Warwick wrote, “Hi, @chancetherapper. If you are very obviously a rapper why did you put it in your stage name? I cannot stop thinking about this.” Just minutes later, she directed a tweet at The Weeknd writing, “The Weeknd is next. Why? It’s not even spelled correctly? @theweeknd.”

“Mom, I got woken up at four in the morning,” her son said to Warwick. Adding, “Marcus calls me and says, ‘Man, what’s going on with your mom?’ And firstly I think, ‘What did my mom do? What’s going on?’ He’s mad: ‘Check Twitter.’ And I’m like, ‘Twitter? I haven’t used this app in years.’ So I had to redownload Twitter and the tweet to Chance the Rapper.”
“We all know you say what you feel, and I’m glad it went the way it did,” her son added.

A year later Dionne Warwick collaborated with Chance the Rapper on a duet titled ‘Nothing’s Impossible.’
“I developed a friendship. We did a duet,” Warwick said. Adding hilariously, “And he still hasn’t answered me!”
We hope the singer recovers from her medical incident soon enough and is back on her feet performing for her adoring fans. Share this piece with others so they can wish the singer well!