‘Super Dad’ graduates with Master’s while working 3 jobs and being a single parent

Desmond Durham is an example of how hard work can get you what you want in life. The 36-year-old single dad wanted to achieve his dream, a master’s degree, and he made sure nothing got in his way.

He juggled many responsibilities simultaneously in order to succeed. His story is incredibly inspiring! Keep reading to learn more about his journey…

For the last two years, Desmond Durham was balancing three jobs, parenting a 9-year-old alone, and studying late at night for his master’s degree. Now the single dad has successfully completed his master’s degree and is revealing how he was able to do it all.

“My schedule was very demanding, from waking up between 5 a.m. to 6 a.m. and ensuring that my son was fed, his homework was completed… I probably didn’t go to bed until 12 a.m., maybe 1 a.m. every night, just to wake back up and do it all over again,” Desmond Durham said in an interview. “But I knew the dream was real,” he added.

The 36-year-old graduated from Montclair State University on May 23 with a master’s in arts and educational leadership. Because of his inspiring story, he was asked to deliver a speech at the College of Education and Human Services and the College of Science and Mathematics.

In the speech, he talked about his mother, who was a single parent and instilled in him a love for learning. He also touched upon the murder of his father when he was 11 years old and how that consequently impacted his life and career.

“However [my father’s] absence from my life has only motivated me to become the best father figure to my son and a role model to all of the students that I encounter in my teaching career,” he said during his emotional speech.

Durham is the only sibling of seven who has graduated from college. He has worked as an educator for the last 13 years, juggling the responsibilities of three jobs and parenting his 9-year-old son, Desmond Jr, along with his studies. But Durham said he decided to “take a leap of faith” despite all of this.

“It will ultimately change my life, my son’s life, and I can be able to impact the kids on a greater scale,” he said.

During hard days, Durham would think about his ‘why’, which included his son, his mother, and his purpose for going back to school. “So every single day, I had to remind myself that it’s a short-term sacrifice for a long-term goal,” said Durham.

The single dad is seeking to find a new role in education but currently only wants to spend the summer enjoying his time with his son. “He’s excited about what are we going to do next,” Durham shared. “He wants to go to the water park.”


He had some advice for people debating whether they should go back to school. He asked them to identify their “why.”

“Find something that you love that’s going to help you ignite that flame to keep going,” he encouraged. “You have to know why you do what you do, and as long as you know your ‘why’ it’s gonna drive you every single day.”


It is so inspiring what Durham was able to achieve. It reminds us that it is possible to achieve your dreams if you are willing to put in the grueling hard work. Share this piece to encourage others to make the most out of their lives!

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