homeless - Read up on all the latest about homeless on Newsner


Homeless couple receives backlash for saying employment is not for them

Homeless couple receives backlash for saying employment is not for them

This homeless couple’s decision to reject traditional work and opt for a tent lifestyle has sparked controversy and drawn criticism ...

Homeless man ends up at police station and what happens there is shocking

Police officers in the City of Rome, New York took their commitment in serving the public to a whole new ...

Family did not support son's choice of spouse – throw a fit when he excludes them from wedding

Weddings are always a high-stress situation, not just for the couple but also for their family members. The stress of ...

8-year-old breaks down in tears getting his own bed after years of being homeless

Often we do not realize how blessed we are. Even things that might seem as insignificant as a warm bed ...

Homeless man sick of living in tent builds tiny 'house-on-wheels' on Hollywood Boulevard with scrap material

Living on the streets is not easy at all. A lot of homeless people who set up tents are often ...

Oregon woman turns hobby into act of kindness for Portland's homeless population

Like many people, Judy Switzer was looking for a hobby at the start of the pandemic. The Portland, Oregon resident ...