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Vegan girlfriend demands boyfriend give away cat, gets ultimatum

Vegan girlfriend demands boyfriend give away cat, gets ultimatum

When people fall deeply in love, they often find themselves willing to make significant sacrifices. They might quit bad habits, ...

Gen Z wants to cancel 'passive aggressive' thumbs up emoji

The ever-watchful eyes of Gen Z have found a new target: the seemingly innocent thumbs-up emoji. While for many, the ...

Woman thinks service dog takes priority over bride, gets reality check

Every bride and groom deserves to have the wedding of their dreams. For some, that could mean a picturesque venue ...

Father defends son, 19, after wife’s creepy friend asks him to strip

A father called out one of his wife’s friends for shamelessly flirting with his teenage son, who was uncomfortable when ...

Annoyed wife leaves husband who spent a year talking like a toddler

After one year of being publicly humiliated by her baby-talking husband, a woman decided to leave the man and his ...

Dad shocked when teenage son wears swimwear that is horribly inappropriate on a family cruise

An 18-year-old boy is being shamed by his father for wanting to flaunt his beanbags on a Caribbean family vacation. ...