Grandmother gives her house away and transforms garden shed into cozy home

It turned out that Monica’s daughter with five children had recently lost their home. As the self-sacrificing grandmother she was, Monica didn’t hesitate for a second and gave her home up to her daughter and grandkids. She then began to prepare to move into the tiny shed in the back.

Source: YouTube/Anna Wallace

Leaving an entire house for a 8×10 foot shed in the garden may sound a little uncomfortable – but after some solid work, Monica managed to turn the shed into a cozy home.

Source:YouTube/Anna Wallace

There’s space for a kitchen with smart storage…

Source:YouTube/Anna Wallace

… And a small living room with sofa, coffee table and photographs of the family.

Source:YouTube/Anna Wallace

Obviously the living room is also equipped with a TV.

Source:YouTube/Anna Wallace

It’s hard to believe how small the shed actually is. Monica’s handy work really gave results.

Source:YouTube/Anna Wallace

A staircase? Sure!

Source:YouTube/Anna Wallace

The small loft thus became a cozy bedroom with a small window facing the garden.

Source: YouTube/Anna Wallace

Isn’t it awesome!

Source:YouTube/Anna Wallace

This grandmother has a real heart of gold to move out to make room for her child and grandchildren – and what a cozy home, she now has to! Share this wonderful story with your friends if you agree she deserves all the likes in the world!

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