Residents mock and laugh at fat dog – but dog takes revenge on his bullies

Bolinha’s condition was so severe he could barely breathe nor move. He simply laid down in a puddle of mud and hoped someone would have the heart to help him.

One day, one such person got wind about Bolinha. He showed up on site and sure enough found the obese dog sitting amidst piles of junk and garbage. Bolinha weighed close to 80 pounds.

Help At Last

The man picked up Bolinha and drove him to Organización de Protección Animal an animal welfare organization.

Once there, Bolinha got what may have been his very first bath ever. And from his reaction, he sure seemed to appreciate it!

The animal rescuers gave him love and care — something Bolinha had never known before.

Road to Recovery

The dog was then placed on a strict regime to help him drop the excess weight. Rescuers had Bolinha train in different ways. He ran on an animal treadmill filled with water, for instance, and he was also placed on a strict diet.

It was a long battle, but step by step, his condition began to improve.

His hard work soon paid off — he dropped close to 30 lbs in less than a year and became happier than he’d ever been before.

Best of all, Bolinha soon also got a new home where he was overloaded with love.

Promising Future

His new family continued to help him lose weight and gave him all the love and care he deserved!

Just look at his incredible transformation — Bolinha certainly knew how to silence those cruel people who mocked him over the years.

I’m so glad Bolinha’s tale has such a happy ending. All dogs deserve to be treated with love and compassion and get the help they need to do well and thrive.

No dog should ever have to endure bullying from cruel, heartless people. Please share if you agree.

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