Couple of three kids, married 17 years, shocked when DNA test reveals they’re related

Over the past several years, there’s been a meteoric rise of people using genealogy sites, allowing them to track their lineage and gain a better understanding of who they are.

But the curiosity of one Colorado woman almost killed her marriage when records revealed something she did not want to know.

Digging into the family trees of her and her husband, with whom she shares three children, the woman learned their roots were entwined…

Keep reading to learn what Celina Quinones found through DNA testing!

After a few months of dating, Celina and Joseph Quinones married in July 2006 in a ceremony that was attended by both families.

Though at the time nothing seemed odd, Celina recalls that “even then, our grandmas seemed to be a lot alike, and they got along, but still, nothing clicked.”

The two were married 10 years when they learned the shocking details of their genealogy after Celina took a DNA test through MyHeritage.

“I ordered the DNA tests. They came in, and sure enough, we did our swabs, put them in the mail, and off they went,” Celina tells People. “Then we got the results back, and I searched the family tree DNA – another part of the search – and saw him pop up there. And I go, ‘Oh no.’”

After reviewing the results, Celina – horrified that she married her cousin – admits that she doubted if she and Joseph should stay together.

“I was in shock. I was a little depressed over it, to be honest. But this was after we already had three kids, and all of them were healthy,” Celina said of their three children, sons aged 15 and 13, and their 10-year-old daughter. “They have 10 fingers, 10 toes, but it was just a shock…”

Turning to her husband for support and advice, Celina explains he calmly told her not to worry about it, and that it wasn’t a big deal, “Just brush it off.”

“I was like, ‘Should we get a divorce? Are we even supposed to be together?’ I started rethinking…and then after a while, I was like, ‘Nope, we’re just staying together.’ There’s nothing we can do about it. I’m not going to let some blood come between us.”

Celina, now married for 17 years to Joseph, documents her life in the book “The Dream Catcher’s Keeper,” and says she doesn’t know the degree of relation she shares with her husband.

She explains that the DNA tests indicate they are between second to seventh cousins, so the closest relative they could have in common would be a great-grandparent.

In March 2023, Celina posted a clip on TikTok explaining the results of her DNA tests.

But the video, that’s gone viral with about 4.4 million views, has a mixed reaction from online users, leaving Celina puzzled over the comments, the majority saying the pair looks related.

One netizen writes, “I mean you look related lol!!!” while a second writes, “Ok just saw the first pic and was like dang they look like siblings.”

A third shares the same sentiments, “literally you guys look alike.”

Other online users suggested the results should not have been shared publicly.

One writes, “some secrets are meant to be secrets,” and a second adds, “You couldn’t torture this information out of me. We would have taken this to the grave.”

And Celina can’t understand why some people object to her broadcasting that private information.

“There’s a lot of negative comments, it’s horrible. People keep asking, ‘Why would you do that? Why would you post this?’”


#CapCut My kids and my husband are my everything and we looked passed it. All our kids has 10 fingers 10 toes. It’s a good ice breaker lol

♬ Whats a soulmate – csbyeol

When asked why she made the announcement of her “cousband” on TikTok, Celina, said she thought it would be “funny.”

“I didn’t think anything of it…I didn’t think it would go this viral.” She adds, “I feel a little more free, like, it is what it is. There are people that love no matter what or who, so why can’t I love my cousin by accident?”

Celina paused her genealogy search for now but admits she will soon look for more details on how her and Joseph are connected.  

We cannot image the shock of learning you are blood related to your spouse of 10 years, and because of that, it’s probably best to do these DNA tests before marrying someone!

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