Till death do us part.
Bob, 88, and Corinne, 87, Johnson spent nearly seven decades by each other’s side, and it was only at the very end that the two were separated, but not for long.
One day recently Corinne died—33 hours later Bob took his final breath.

The couple’s children often worried about how their parents, who married as teens, would go on without the other.
“Their plan was to not have us worry about that,” Lora Dennis, the couple’s youngest daughter, told KARE 11.
They didn’t have to worry for long. Thirty-three hours after Corinne died, Bob died.
Up until six months ago, the couple from Minnesota lived independently. But when Bob’s health began to decline, he needed extra care. It wasn’t long before Corinne joined him in the hospital with congestive heart failure.
Shortly before Corinne died, she told Bob she loved him and gave him a kiss.
When she died, a curtain was pulled between the two of them and the couple’s children said their father just stared at the curtain.
“As soon as mom died he went downhill and died in a day. It’s hard to imagine it’s a coincidence,” Bruce Johnson, the couple’s son, said.
Thirty-three hours later Bob died.
The couple of 68 years will be laid to rest together.
Their story makes me tear up. This is true love. May they both rest in peace.
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