Small gestures of kindness can go a long way. Think about it. You might be having a hard day, when suddenly someone gives you a warm smile. Or someone sees you struggling with shopping bags and lends a helping hand. Small simple gestures like this are what help us maintain our faith in humanity.
Service staff have these kinds of opportunities all the time, but may be too busy or stressed with their tasks to go the extra mile. But going the extra mile — or even just a few meters outside to the parking lot — can sure make a difference, as this story reveals.
A Burger King employee in Mechanicsville, Virginia was ‘caught’ doing something outside of her normal work tasks.
Elizabeth Chandler had just visited the Burger King for a bite. As she walked back to her car in the parking lot, she witnessed something that compelled her to immediately secretly snap a photo. She later shared the picture on Facebook, where it has since been shared hundreds of times.
A Helping Hand
Elizabeth watched from her car as one of the Burger King employees, Alexis Easter, patiently accompanied an elderly man to his car, arm-in-arm.
The fast-food restaurant worker gently walked the man to his car, then proceeded to help him into it. But she didn’t just leave at that point, she continued to speak to him instead — even as Elizabeth pulled out of the parking lot.
“Shout out to the cashier at the Mechanicsville Burger King, making this world a little brighter ? #spreadloveNOThate,” Elizabeth wrote between the sweet photo.
“It was the sweetest thing, not only did she walk him to his car with their arms locked, she made sure he got into the car, and then stood there talking to him until after we had left,” she later told ABC 8 News.
It’s difficult to know just what impact Alexis’ sweet gesture may have had on the elderly gentleman, but I can only imagine it was well appreciated.
What’s certain is that it should not go unnoticed. Small gestures can go a long way, and I’m so glad this simple moment was captured for the whole world to see. Well done, Alexis!
Our elderly are particularly vulnerable and sometimes need a helping hand — or even just some gentle company. Thank you, Alexis, for recognizing this; we need more people like you out there! Share this sweet story if you agree.