College can cost a pretty penny in tuition fees alone, and the cost of living in accommodation, food, clothes, books, and more can all add up even further.
A lot of college students leave college with a lot of debt they have accumulated in their four years of school. But some students get creative in figuring out how to avoid debt.
Bradley headed off to college with big dreams and ambitions. What the teenager realized however was, how expensive it is to live on your own. Hailing from Jacksonville, Florida, the young man decided to change this.
Instead of paying obscene amounts of rent, he decided to build a house for himself.
The motivated young man got to work and decided he could build a tiny home on wheels to save on costs. His house measures 27 x 8.5ft (8.3 x 2.5m).

Bradley did not just want a motorhome or a run-of-the-mill basic interior and exterior. He decided his tiny home will look like a Florida beach bungalow and will be made to last with sturdy long-lasting vinyl on the exterior. He designed his porch with a southern style to it, which allows him to sit on it and enjoy the views.
Even though the dimensions seem tiny, Bradley applied a lot of tricks that allow his home to seem bigger than it is. He installed a big window at one end of the home so it makes everything seem more spacious.
Bradley calls his home his “Rolling Quarters,” and has his own Instagram page dedicated to his tiny home and helping others build theirs too.
The home allows Bradley the freedom to roam around and also financial freedom as it ensures he will not be accumulating any debt.
As for the interior and layout of his tiny home, Bradley really prioritized the kitchen area, which has an 8-foot-long counter to give him a lot of space when he is cooking and preparing food.
He has an electric hot plate under his bench that he uses to cook and the kitchen sink is quite large and allows him to wash the dishes.
The lounge area is very cozy and has a lot of storage built in. The sofa has storage built underneath and a small table that overlooks the windows and also serve as a dining area.
Bradley also has a full-sized shower in his bathroom as well as a Natures Head composting toilet which allows him to use the facilities at all times without having to hook anything up to water.
He has a loft bed which looks incredibly inviting. He has repurposed an old locker to give him more storage space but the space still lays empty. It’s a combination of Bradley’s minimalism that allows him to have a lot of storage space, most of which he does not even feel the need for.
In the back of the house is an office space that Bradley uses to do his academic work as of course, he is a college student after all.
Bradley built his entire home with a budget of $15,000 and recalls how his family thought he was joking when he revealed to them that he would be building his own house.
“Right out of high school I paid a year’s worth of rent and decided that wasn’t for me. So I moved back home and saved up some money to pay for it all cash and build it,” young Bradley said.
His DIY project not just helped him save money on rent but is a potential investment as well, as it can be used extensively if he decides to expand his home!
He really did a wonderful job with this fantastic home.
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