A teenager has finally opened up about the ordeal he went through. He was held captive for years and did not know how to leave. Keep reading to find out more about this story…
Rudy Farias has said it was ‘Stockholm syndrome’ that kept him staying where his own mother was keeping him. He said that he did not suffer any sexual abuse during the time he was kept captive, saying his mother ‘brainwashed and manipulated’ him.

Farias said he recalls years of feelings where he ‘just wanted to be free’, but his mother would emotionally manipulate him into staying.
The teenager told the media, “She didn’t force herself on me or anything like that. It would never be anything like that. Just stuff that really made me uncomfortable.”
His mother Janie Santana has not been charged. According to the teenager she would emotionally manipulate him into hiding in his bedroom when people came to visit her.
While she did not physically abuse him, he said she emotionally manipulated him with lies that would force him to stay. He said she constantly lied and fed him information that he was not able to confirm, which would in turn force him to stay home.

He said, “She would manipulate me into saying I would get arrested for speeding ticket. It just felt like brainwashing, honestly.
He was kept in the home against his will. He even recalled one heartbreaking time when family came to visit and he had to hide in his room.
“I would just have to listen to my family and cheerful on the other side of a f****** door… I’d be like, I just want my family, just want people, just want communication. I just wanted to live my life,” he said.
After he finally emerged after being ‘missing’ for several years, his neighbors were puzzled, saying that boy was never missing to begin with.
The eight-year search for the young boy ended with him being found in a church. Farias was relieved that he had been ‘found.’
His bone chilling five words were hard to hear, he said “(I) was held against my will”
He further added how it was “mentally, not physically, she was just constantly bombarding me with negative thoughts.”
But now he has a new chance at life, he said, “It feels like, I’m just at peace now. Just feels happy, you know?”
This story had a wonderful ending. We wish the young boy and his family the very best of luck as they navigate through this time together. Share this happy news with others so they can celebrate and congratulate the family as well.