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South Carolina

What she found in her attic was nothing anyone should have to see

What she found in her attic was nothing anyone should have to see

Old, dark, and dusty. Attics can terrify most people – but what Tracy found in hers is among the craziest ...

Hiker finds massive ‘beast’ hiding along banks of South Carolina creek

A peaceful hike turned shocking for a South Carolina woman who came across a “beast” hiding along the edge of ...

Grandma celebrates 107th birthday, says reason for her longevity is ‘I do what Bible tells me’

Living to a 100 years old is no easy feat, and certainly not an accomplishment many can boast about. This ...

'The fearlessness of the trooper' - Officer praised for jumping into water to save a man and his dog

As a trooper you never know what each day will bring and what you’ll be called out to deal with. ...

fixing cars

This man spends his free time fixing old cars – and donating them to people in need

For those people living in rural areas having a car is a lifeline, those without one are left isolated and ...

Investigators link death of Faye Swetlik to deceased 30-year-old neighbor

When investigators announced the body of six-year-old Faye Swetlik had been found, they also announced that the body of a ...