health benefits - Read up on all the latest about health benefits on Newsner

health benefits

Eat one egg every day – you’ll be surprised what happens to your body

7 healthy benefits of adding peanut butter to your diet

Peanut butter is one of those snacks that’s just as good by itself as it is smeared onto something. Whether ...

Beer is officially a health food: research says beers are 'very, very healthy' and full of probiotics

Good news, everyone: beer is healthy! Yes, we’ve heard stories of how miraculous beer can be. It’s the secret to ...

8 things that will happen to your body if you start eating honey every day

Honey contains antioxidants, vitamins, and proteins that, when regularly consumed, can cleanse the body of different toxins. In addition, the ...

5 health reasons why you should eat more licorice

1. It boosts the metabolism Licorice contains many antioxidants that are good for the body, and in its purist form, ...

Farts: 7 surprising health benefits of farting you had no idea about

After consuming food, our body absorbs all the nutrients we need. Gas is, in many ways, an inevitable by-product according to Tony ...

Eat three dates a day and you will be amazed at how your body reacts

1. Boost energy Pexels Dates are easy to digest and can quickly deliver energy to the body, according to Organic ...