Stranger leaves her a mysterious letter – and what’s inside moves her to tears

While Karen was at work, she received a call from her son. A man had knocked on the door to their house and asked if she was home.

Her son said that she was out, but the man had something important to give her. He gave the boy an envelope, smiled, and left.

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The boy went back inside, opened it, and was amazed by what was inside.

After he read the letter, the boy jumped on the phone and called his mom. He read her the letter and was met with silence. On the other end, Karen couldn’t hold back her tears.

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The envelope that the stranger contained $1,000, and Karen, who had been fighting cancer for several years, couldn’t believe it was true.

The the incredibly kind stranger wrote:

“Please accept this gift as an act of random kindness. A cherished member of our family devoted much of her time and resources to helping people through ‘Random Acts Of Kindness.’ She gave to others in many ways, and always did so anonymously. One way our family has chosen to honor her memory is to continue in the tradition of helping others in the community with acts of random kindness.

A ‘Random Act Of Kindness’ does not have to involve the giving of money. It can be as simple as sharing your time with someone, lending an ear, or offering a compliment. The most important part is that the act is unsolicited and done with no expectation of anything in return.

Although we do not know you personally, other members of our community identified you as a deserving recipient of this gift. Please use this money in any way you see fit, whether to alleviate some financial strain or to provide you the opportunity to do something special for yourself.

We ask for nothing in return, but hope that you are encouraged to consider ways in which you can make a difference for someone else, and motivated to embrace the idea, and to carry on the tradition.”

Image Source: imgur / gingersnap1316

Whether the stranger’s visit was fate or not, it’s difficult not to shed a tear over how beautiful his gesture was. Imagine what an unknown person’s deeds can do for a stranger and their family.

Please share this story with your friends on Facebook to celebrate this stranger’s incredible generosity.

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