74-year-old woman reveals she is in the best shape of her life and how she got there

Everyone wants to lead a healthy life that will help them in their old age. Fashion maven Norma Williams seems to have done just that as she ages like fine wine and looks like a model even at 74 years old!

A lot of people assume when you get older, becoming unfit is part and parcel of the package. However, fitness and fashion guru Norma Williams wants to preach against that idea.

To an onlooker, Norma will look great with her killer figure that she has honed after years of hard work and dedication.

She has a message for everyone looking to change their lifestyle, “bodies can improve with age if you look after them.”

But Norma did not always look like she does now. She started out feeling overweight and unhealthy in her habits. When she was 28 years old, she decided it was enough and that she was ready for a change!

She notes that the change was not overnight but was a journey, one that she is still on today!

As she began her journey, she saw physical changes in her appearance. She started feeling better as well. She advises others to do the same; make changes one by one.

She focuses a lot on her exercises, crediting them as being the reason for her figure. She does brisk walking four times a week and goes to the gym twice a week. She improved her diet to be healthier as well and constantly innovated in her exercises to yield the best results.

About being old, Norma Williams said, “Old is a state of mind. I don’t live in that state!” 

She answered some questions on a website once for fans of her disciplined exercise routine. She said, “But, on reflection. I’m proud of myself. I have achieved the way I look through sheer discipline. For instance, I will NEVER eat a giant box of refrigerated Maltezers ever again. Up until my late 50s, I would take TWO giant boxes of them into the cinema.”

She is incredibly proud of herself and her taste in clothes, she said, “I have good taste in clothes, albeit younger taste than the majority of actual youngsters, who would be insufficiently confident to wear the clothes I wear!”

She clarified that while she is normally careful with her diet, she does indulge herself every once in a while. Her favorite things to indulge in are doorstep toast with lashings of butter, biscuits, jacket potatos, and gelato!

One thing that does bother her are her wrinkles, which she says are “everywhere.”

“So, it is incredibly frustrating to have a toned body shape that my younger self, even at 19, when I was a model, would have died for, to be so afflicted by wrinkles,” she lamented.

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