They say there’s nothing like the feeling of becoming a mother. But motherhood also comes with its share of challenges — and sometimes, for various reasons, women may not even feel able to take on their new roles.
There are really dozens of reasons for this, and many are of course, arguable. However, what’s for sure is we should not judge a women for the choices she makes with her body, and in particular, if opting to put her child up for adoption.
Hannah Mongie knows all too well about this.
Read her moving story below.
Hannah and her partner were thrilled to find out they were pregnant.
But something tragic would soon unfold: her partner’s heart would suddenly stop, and he passed away.
This put the mom in an undeniably difficult situation, where she could not see herself raising her son alone. So with an extremely heavy heart, she opted to put him up for adoption.
She later took to social med, posting a heartbreaking video of her telling her son her heartbreaking story — and telling him with three simple words what she never wanted him to doubt: “I love you.”
“This is my son, Tagg, whom I placed for adoption in March of 2016.”

“This video was created so that he would be able to look back and know that this decision was made purely out of love for him. He will never have to think that I ‘gave him up’ or that I did not love him. He will always be able to know that I loved him more than anyone else in this world.

I hope anyone who watches this will be able to gain a new perspective on what the Birth Mom goes through, when she places her child for adoption. It is the FURTHEST thing from a heartless act. It shows the definition of love. To love someone this much, is to give away your happiness for them.
A lot of people have asked about possibly seeing him again in the future… This is an OPEN adoption. I get to see him all the time, thanks to his wonderful Mommy.”
Watch the full heartbreaking video of Hannah’s message to her son below — but be warned, this is a tearjerker!
[arve url=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Flovewhatreallymatters%2Fvideos%2F1803464573009266%2F&show_text=1&width=267″ aspect_ratio=”6:11″ /]
I think Hannah’s message to her son and the world is so important. Please share it to remind everyone that not all moms who put their children up for adoption do it out of lack of love for their babies!
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