When things get tough, it is always the family that has your back. But as this couple learned, that is not always the case. When a young mother had to stay in the hospital longer than she intended, she assumed her family would step in to help.
And while it seemed like that was what was happening, her mother-in-law later made a request that stopped her in her tracks. Keep reading to learn more.
A woman who was about to give birth realized that her delivery was complicated which meant she had to spend more time in the hospital than she had originally thought.
When her water broke, she and her husband were home. As can be expected, the situation caught them a little off guard, and the water seeped into the carpet. They merely threw some towels on top of the mess and left for the hospital.
The husband’s mother got in touch with the couple and offered to take care of their dogs. The couple was grateful for the offer and accepted immediately.
When the family finally got home from the extended hospital stay, they found of a note on their refrigerator door.

delivery was complicated, and that she remained in the hospital for some time afterward. When the woman’s water broke, both she and her husband were at home.
The problem was that the water went in the middle of the bedroom carpet. Now and then, there were of course, other things to think about, so they just threw some towels on the carpet and went off to BB.
The husband’s mother then got in touch and offered to take care of their dogs, something they gratefully agreed to.
But once the family got home from the hospital, they found a note on the refrigerator door. It was a bill accompanied by an explanation that the mother-in-law expected to be paid for the help she provided the couple with.

Apart from taking care of their dogs, she also cleaned the carpet where the water broke and then proceeded to clean the rest of the home as well.
“It’s great that she had cleaned the bedroom carpet and also cleaned the whole house when she got down to it. For that she wanted to be paid, $25 an hour plus $200 for cleaning products she bought. It was of course, kind of her to do this, but we hadn’t asked for it,” the original poster writes in her post.
The couple was baffled by the demand. While her mother-in-law’s demands took aback the woman, her husband was also hurt by his mother’s actions. He decided to take things into his own hands and address the situation with his mother.
He wrote to her in a text, according to the poster, “We appreciate all the help the last few days when we were in the hospital, it was great to have someone to take care of the dogs. We saw the note on the fridge and are a little upset that you snooped around the house. Neither of us had said that the water got on the bedroom carpet and that you bought hundreds of dollars worth of cleaning products and that you now want to be paid for it. When we trusted you to take care of the dogs, we thought you would do it to be kind, not to make money.”

The mother-in-law immediately replied, saying she did everything out of the kindness of her heart and could not believe they would be so ungrateful. She then proceeded to tell the rest of their extended family about the situation who were upset with her husband and her for being so rude to the older woman who was merely trying to help them out.
“Both my husband and I have received messages about how my mother-in-law didn’t have to help us but pitched in anyway. I have turned off my phone to avoid seeing everything but my husband is still receiving messages from family members about how he manipulated the situation and tried to make my mother-in-law appear as the villain in this,” the woman continued in her post.

The mother then offered to remove the price of the cleaning products from her ‘bill’ and only asked for money for her cleaning services at $25 an hour.
The husband is now considering even paying her the requested amount just to have their family get off their backs and to be able to enjoy this time with their newborn baby. However, his wife is not okay with this situation and hence she turned to the internet for advice as to what to do in this impossible situation.
For a more heartwarming mother-in-law story, check out the one below that is sure to make you weep!
What do you think of this entire situation? Let us know in the comments! We would be interested to get everyone’s opinions on this situation.