Toddler hugs pizza delivery driver
When you order food and see the delivery driver pull up in front of your home, you’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t want to hug the delivery driver. Well, maybe sometimes. ...
When you order food and see the delivery driver pull up in front of your home, you’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t want to hug the delivery driver. Well, maybe sometimes. ...
Cesar Fernandez-Chavez and Loubie (short for Louboutina) live in Manhattan, New York. Loubie has become a bit of a celebrity around the neighborhood, where stops constantly to give out some of her incredible hugs. “We ...
The more you hug a baby, the more their brains grow, according to a recent survey from the Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Ohio. 125 babies, both premature and full-term, were included in the study, which ...
On September 20, 2016 a police officer shot Keith Lamont Scott dead during an operation in Charlotte, North Carolina. The tragic event stirred up strong feelings in the city. According to the Charlotte Observer, 16 police ...
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It all began when Hollie Mallet installed a security camera in the garage next to her home in Louisiana. She planned to catch anyone who tried to rob her on video so police would be able to figure out who the thief ...
What did you think of this experiment and people’s reactions? Please like if you enjoyed. And feel free to leave your comments on our Facebook page. For more positive stories like this in your feed, ...
Everything started when two twin sisters, Kyrie and Brielle Jackson, were born in a hospital in Massachussets on October 17, 1995. But they did not get the easiest start to life. As they came into ...