motherhood - Read up on all the latest about motherhood on Newsner


Woman asks her why she only has one child – but is unwilling to hear the heartbreaking answer

Mom with no legs shares her pregnancy journey on TikTok while another with four kids says it’s “just a matter of adjusting”

Raising a child can be challenging for even an able-bodied parent, and though these inspiring moms have lost their limbs, ...

This new mother plans to leave her baby unwashed and unbathed for at least a month

Everyone parents differently and most of us have various opinions o how we think children should be raised. However, every ...

Breastfeeding mom shamed in public – refuses to cover up and proudly carries on

It is not easy being a mother, especially when so many people have opinions on what motherhood should look like ...

Jennifer Garner confirms her 'baby bump' isn't going anywhere: 'I want to normalize looking normal'

Dad bods are considered attractive, yet a mom bod is not. We, as a society, have set unrealistic beauty standards ...

Alicia Silverstone says she sleeps with her 11-year-old son in same bed and doesn't care if it gets her in trouble

Alicia Silverstone says “I’m a natural mama and I’m a loving mama,” and is not at all scared of being ...

Mom sits in tub and prepares to deliver baby- just 1 contraction later, a miracle happens

The footage of the water birth of Audra Lynn from Orange County, California has stunned social media users worldwide. The video ...