If you’re a homeowner with a pool, you know how hard it is to maintain it. Not only is it such a large space, but it also can get dirty quickly. If it’s the summer months, you don’t want to go through the hassle of deep cleaning your pool often.
If this sounds like you, you’re in luck! We have a trick for you, courtesy of one nifty granny.
Just last year, Lisa pack discovered a trick that she thought her friends could benefit from. Little did she know that it would go viral!
She wrote, “Hey everyone, I had to post this. Everyone knows my pool is green by this time of the year. However, Whitney spotted this idea on Facebook and I figured why not try it, I had a box of Mr Clean magic erasers laying around. Now mind you, my pool wasn’t green but it looked like it was getting cloudy. I throw one of these in the skimmer basket and holla bing holla boom the cloudiness left and my sponge looks like this. I’m pretty excited to think something so cheap could help so much.”
In the middle of the summer, this is such a handy tip! She says that Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are all you need to keep her pool’s water crystal-clear.
Hey everyone, I had to post this. Everyone knows my pool is green by this time of the year. However, Whitney spotted…
Posted by Lisa Pack on Thursday, July 5, 2018
All you need to do is put one in the skimmer basket, which you’re likely to have if you have a pool. Then, by moving it around in the water, all that green gunk that accumulates over weeks will be collected by the special sponge.
You could save even more money if you buy bulk packages of melamine foam. That is the same thing that magic erasers are made out of but they are a lot cheaper.
“There’s nothing,” Pack brags about her pool.
“There’s no green, there’s no slime on the bottom. There was no green in sight – it was amazing.”
Now this cleaning tool is usually used in bathroom and kitchens. But who would have thought that it would work just as well in a pool? Not us, that’s for sure!
This is such a cool trick! We’re definitely going to try it out.
Do you have a pool at home or know someone who has a pool and is always complaining about maintaining it? If so, please share!