Why your cat headbutts you and what it means
We all know cats can be independent, strong-willed creatures, but mine have always been big cuddlebugs. One of my cats has this quirky habit of almost “headbutting” me from time to time. At first, I ...
We all know cats can be independent, strong-willed creatures, but mine have always been big cuddlebugs. One of my cats has this quirky habit of almost “headbutting” me from time to time. At first, I ...
When people fall deeply in love, they often find themselves willing to make significant sacrifices. They might quit bad habits, change their diets, or upgrade their wardrobe. However, when it comes to pets, the story ...
As any pet owner will tell you, having a pet is a truly meaningful part of their life – and they eventually become part of the family. Despite not being humans, pets give unconditional love ...
It’s amazing the things people do for their pets. We love seeing stories of people going out of their way to make their pets happy, especially in creative and unusual ways. Like one family, who ...
We love to see unique-looking cats and dogs. While they might not be as conventionally cute as some other pets, these animals are special, and their one-of-a-kind looks often make them internet stars. Like one ...
It’s a police officer’s duty to look after everyone in their community — and it’s not always people, sometimes it’s the animals who need help. And recently, police officers picked up a stray kitten and ...
There are many cats with “grumpy” faces, and we can’t help but love them. They might not be the most conventionally cute or cuddly cats, but they do reflect the sort of can’t-deal-with this mood ...
It’s always a special experience to encounter a deer in your own backyard. — and it’s also special seeing your own pets interact with these animals. We’ve seen instances of cats and dogs forming friendships ...
There are many instances where people take in far more pets than they can handle, leading to the animals living in terrible conditions. One particularly bad hoarding situation recently left rescuers shocked, as 300 cats ...
It’s always a good idea to report a package you think is suspicious. The “if you see something, say something” guideline helps to prevent explosives and other acts of terrorism. But one recent case of ...