cop - Read up on all the latest about cop on Newsner


Cop sees girl living in “suspicious car” – makes headlines after making unusual request to her on sidewalk

Cop sees girl living in “suspicious car” – makes headlines after making unusual request to her on sidewalk

It all begins when a Huntington Beach, California resident phoned the police to advise them of a suspicious looking vehicle ...

Police asks woman to open her trunk – what camera captures him doing now spreading like wildfire online

Chy-Niece Thacker was on her way to a work interview when she was pulled over by a policeman. She immediately pulled over, turned ...

Paramedic arrested for fondling young woman having seizures

Jared Evans, 32, a paramedic from California is being accused of allegedly fondling a 19-year-old woman – when he was supposed to ...

13-year-old boy wants to run away from home - police officer's response is something we can all learn from

While Cameron’s family were completely unaware, the policer officer began to plan a surprise. For the next few weeks, he ...

Desperate Mother Goose Asks Police Officer For Help.

He was sitting in his police car, when a goose suddenly came towards him, calling out to him desperately. James ...