We have all been on a plane where there is a baby or child that is upset. A child incessantly crying is almost a staple of any journey. This particular incidence however, screamed a reactionary man in response to the screaming child.
Keep reading to know more about this terrible situation which happened while people were in air!
A TikTok video of a grown adult man losing his temper at a little child crying on a place has gone viral. Monique Pass from North Providence was on the flight and decided to take out her phone and record. The flight took off from Baltimore and was supposed to land in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

“It was fine for a while until when we were supposed to be landing,” said Pass about the flight. “We kept circling the air for a long time.”
It was learned that the flight circled the ocean near West Palm Beach, Florida for more than an hour before it landed.
In the video the man can be heard saying, “That child has been crying for 40 minutes,” he continued, “shut that f—— child up and I’ll calm down.”
Flight attendants can be seen trying to diffuse the situation. “Why is the baby yelling?” he responded.
While flight attendants try to diffuse the situation and try to get the man to understand that he is being unreasonable, he refuses to listen. In the background the child can still be heard screaming and crying. Pass said of the situation, “I was panicking and having a panic attack because we’re stuck in the air. We don’t know if we can land. We’re running out of gas. This little girl in front of me screaming bloody murder at the top of her lungs and this guy is getting violent.”

When flight attendants were at the end of their wits, they pointed out to the man he was yelling by saying, “You are yelling.” The passenger however retorted with a comment saying, “So is the baby!”
Pass said the plane was then diverted to Orlando and passengers were asked to leave the plane there.
Pass said afterwards, “they took him off the plane and they ended up arresting him.” What a terrifying situation to have been in and an equally terrifying ending; with an arrest!
Southwest Airlines shared a statement saying, “We do not have specific details of this event or third-party video to share. We commend our Crew for exhibiting outstanding professionalism while handling a challenging situation, and we appreciate the patience of our other Customers onboard who had to experience the unacceptable behavior,” the statement said.
“It was a surreal feeling having so many emotions and I don’t want to go through that again,” said Pass.
All in all, it was a stressful situation for everyone. The videos virality on social media caused a lot of ire. Hopefully, people in the situation thought it was handled the correct way.
What do you think of this entire situation? Let us know in the comments.