There is nothing more heartbreaking than a young death. Especially one that is non-sensical and easily preventable. This young mother is going through the worst heartbreak any parent can experience…
All at the hands of someone she thought she knew…
Zarion Robinson had just turned 13 months old, a major milestone his parents were proud of. A Milwaukee native, he was sitting in an unsecured car seat in the back of his mother’s car while it was parked outside her home.
His mother quickly went inside the home to complete a quick task. Zarion was left in her car with an unnamed woman who is said to be her acquaintance.
While Zarion’s mother went inside, the unnamed woman jumped into the driver’s seat and sped off in the car, which was a Pontiac. Moments later, she was involved in a fiery crash.
First responders who turned up at the scene reported that little Zarion was crying face-down while in his car seat which had toppled to the floor of the vehicle.
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Both the driver and Zarion were rushed to the Children’s Hospital. At 1:10 a.m. on Saturday, less than two hours after the unnamed 31-year-old woman crashed the car the toddler was in, he was pronounced dead. The unnamed woman had reportedly only sustained non-life-threatening injuries and was taken into custody after treatment.
Police reported that the occupants of the other vehicle involved in the crash; a green Dodge Caravan had fled the scene.
In a subsequent interview with the media, Zarion’s mother Mikayla Tweedie reported that the car thief had been her “acquaintance” and had previously been sitting in the backseat before she decided to attempt to steal the vehicle.
“Me and my cousin went inside to drop my cousin’s cat off…She took it upon herself to hop in the driver’s seat and pull off with my child in the car. I called her and said I don’t care about the car, I just want my baby back,” the bereaved mother recounted.
Tweedie has said she has no idea why her acquaintance attempted to steal her car.
“I knew her well enough to think she wouldn’t do something like that,” she added.
Zarion’s father, Eddie Anthony has also spoken to the media.

“He didn’t deserve it, he had a lot of life ahead of him. Like I said, gone but never forgotten, but it’s a lot of heartache that we will never get over. Everybody’s going to think about it every day, every minute, every second, so it’s tough, it’s hard,” the grieving dad said.
Donnie Thomas, the toddler’s grandfather has similar views. “Justice needs to be served,” he said.cr
“He just had the most amazing heart. He was an innocent child….He came in the room and everybody would smile,” the mother said of her son.A balloon release and vigil were held for little Zarion one block from the daycare at Bug’s Life Learning Center.
“It’s just scary because as we try to protect the babies and children in our care every day, we find out a baby died in a horrible crash right outside our doors,” owner of the daycare Katherine Poston said. “Stolen cars and reckless driving have become too much. We need to protect our babies.”
This is such a senseless tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and loved ones of Zarion Robinson.
Please join us in sending your condolences to the grieving family.