Mother chimpanzee adopts orphaned baby chimp as her own
One thing most species in nature have in common is that the mother will care for their young. A mom’s care is essential for a newborn animal to survive and grow — they take care ...
One thing most species in nature have in common is that the mother will care for their young. A mom’s care is essential for a newborn animal to survive and grow — they take care ...
Snafu and the chimpanzees became friends, and that friendship blossomed over the weeks and months. Sensing that the puppy was still fragile, the chimps would lovingly carry him up and down stairs. We think that, ...
In 1990, chimpanzee Jo-Jo fell into an artificial lake in his enclosure at the Detroit Zoo after being chased by a more aggressive chimpanzee. Chimpanzees in fact cannot swim, so Jo-Jo was destined to a ...
Having lived for nearly 60 years, Mama knew she was close to the end when she fell ill. She began to refuse all food and drink, content to die on her own terms. When old ...
Jan Van Hooff is a professor in biology and comparative physiology at Utrecht University, specializing in research involving primates. He is also one of the founders of the Royal Burgers Colony and has known Mama since 1972. Last ...
Animal lover Jane Goodall and her team work to save and care for chimpanzees in Congo so they can have a second chance in life in their natural habitat out in the wilderness. One day, ...
After spending so many years in captivity, it was difficult for Swing and Doll to get used to their new climate. Linda was worried they wouldn’t be able to handle such a big change. She ...
Back in 1990, a chimpanzee named Jo-Jo happened to fall into a man-made moat in a chimpanzee enclosure at the Detroit Zoo. He had been chased by another more aggressive chimpanzee and managed to jump ...
YouTube/Jane Goodall Institute of Canada Wounda looked close to death when she had arrived on the island. But she received excellent care at Jane Goodall’s Insitute. Jane’s work focuses on nursing chimpanzees back to health before ...