12 smart uses for vodka
Wikipedia 1. Freshen up funky towels Have your towels started to smell? It’s most common in summer, according to Better Homes and Gardens. But don’t worry, just pour half a cup of vodka in your ...
Wikipedia 1. Freshen up funky towels Have your towels started to smell? It’s most common in summer, according to Better Homes and Gardens. But don’t worry, just pour half a cup of vodka in your ...
What you need: 1 cup of dish soap 1 cup of heated white vinegar 1 funnel 1 spray bottle 1 sponge/cloth Image Source: flickr/darkbuffet Directions: 1. Warm up the vinegar on the stove. It should ...
There’s a very easy method that solves the problem in no time. Instead of putting loads of time on trying to disinfect your machine by hand, simply head to your kitchen – and grab a regular ...
About 15 years ago, Kay lost her engagement ring. Dave, the love of her life and her husband of 38 years, gave it to her, and it was Kay’s most precious possession. So when she ...
You need: * Mineral water* Dish soap* White wine vinegar* A brush* Spray bottle Washing carpets may seem simple, but it’s hard to get them completely clean. Many simply rinse with water, which often does not ...
Source: Facebook / Love What Really Matters “Ladies, I see a lot of y’all complaining how your husband doesn’t help clean the house, pick up after himself, or even want to go anywhere when he ...
“So, on the way to work this morning, I noticed a State Trooper on the side of the road with his trunk up. I felt compelled, even with everything going on in the media, to ...
Bathroom Mirror Dirty bathroom mirror? Tea bags can be a natural and a perfect solution. Steep three bags of tea in a glass of water, and add them to a spray bottle and spray on ...
This is what we’re dealing with… Now, you’re ready to scrub! Fill up the rest with dish detergent and shake. Then, let the mixture sit for half an hour. Add about four tablespoons of lemon juice. Fill ...
1. Relieves sore throats Apple cider vinegar has the ability to fight bacteria, so the next time you’re starting to get a sore throat, instead of drinking honey and warm water, try using apple cider vinegar instead. Pour ...