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3-year-old girl crawls shocking everyone – doctors said they’ve never seen it before

3-year-old girl crawls shocking everyone – doctors said they've never seen it before

When Willow Christie was only 14 months old, her parents learned their little girl would never crawl or take her ...

4-year-old girl in wheelchair told she's a "drain on society" and "shouldn't be alive" – let's show her our support

Far too many people in the world today take being happy and healthy for granted. Far too many don’t stop ...

Parents of 1-year-old girl Batya trolled online because of her appearance

Batya suffers from two rare syndromes in Pfieffer’s syndrome and Antley-Bixler syndrome. On top of those, she’s also blind, deaf ...

Wheelchair user Moha crushes all stereotypes – becomes lingerie model

It’s not often you see an underwear model in a wheelchair, which is perhaps why 27-year-old Moha Frikraft’s fashion photos ...

Stranger’s hand-written note shocks a mum – and now the internet is angry

Nikki Waller and her two children were off shopping at a store in Pennsylvania. They parked on one of the ...