train - Read up on all the latest about train on Newsner


4-year-old boy in critical condition after being hit by train and losing his mom – “he’s a fighter”

4-year-old boy in critical condition after being hit by train and losing his mom – "he's a fighter"

There is nothing in life that is guaranteed. You never know what moment will be your last which is reason ...

Two people killed by train as they tried to free their dog

Two people were killed as they tried to free their dog who had got caught on train tracks. They had ...

Outrage over picture showing young people staring at their phones while elderly woman stands

The group of commuters surrounding the frail looking woman has received loads of heat online after the photo was posted ...

2 Muslim girls are harassed on train — then 3 heroes step in and the unthinkable happens

23-year-old Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche was riding the MAX train in Portland when a man started hurling racial insults at ...

New mom finds a free seat - then a woman screams that she's not allowed to sit in first class

It was last week that the new mother from England got the unexpected treatment from an older woman. The mother ...