Latest from Henrik Lengstedt

8 reasons why we should celebrate International Coffee Day every day

Swollen feet: 9 alarming warning signs you should never ignore

Raccoon was stuck under a big log — now watch when 2 heroes show up and make everything right

Family’s pit bull is on the couch – now watch his reaction when 5 kittens rush in

Police warning: If you see a ‘help wanted’ sign, never call the number!

Every day, the dog walks to the cemetery, when I understand why my tears start to flow

Boys carry lonely man’s coffin to his grave – then someone says 5 words that gives everyone the chills

Street dog shakes in horror after an earthquake – what police do makes public’s hearts melt

Will was tormented in a circus for 13 years – feels soil beneath his paws for the first time

Elementary school boys think no one’s watching them in pouring rain, then teacher captures the truth