tiger - Read up on all the latest about tiger on Newsner


Tigers That Have Never Swum Before Are Adorable When They Go For Their First Swim.

Unmarked wooden box stood at airport for 7 days: when opened the terrible was revealed

The box was about 16 inches high, with several holes on its sides. On it was a note that its ...

Tiger mom gives birth to lifeless cub – caretaker left astonished at her reaction

The birth took place at an Australian zoo, where zookeepers had been monitoring the mom for some time. In the ...

Cop spots black bag lying on grass – opens it and finds abandoned tiger cub near death

It must be fairly difficult to shock a border patrol agent. After all, a large portion of their job revolves ...

Neglected out of ignorance, tiger is rescued from circus – look at her miraculous transformation

Aasha was rescued from a traveling circus back in 2011. She was nine months old at the time and had ...

Customs hear desperate cry for help – make horrible discovery in business woman's bag

The woman was flying from Thailand to Iran. But because her bag was very heavy, she was redirected to pass through security. When ...

This Image Of Tigers Has Thousands Scratching Their Heads. How Many Do You See?

Okay, so take a good look at the picture. How many tigers can you see? Source: Alex Rodriguez (Facebook) I ...