street dog - Read up on all the latest about street dog on Newsner

street dog

Police officers rescue puppy from animal abusers – then adopt it

Police officers rescue puppy from animal abusers – then adopt it

Anoche recibimos una llamada porque alguien iba dando patadas a un peludete en c/ Real de Cartuja. Al desalmado lo ...

Street dog is found covered in tar and unable to move – makes amazing recovery

It all began when animal welfare organization Animal Aid Unlimited were called in to inspect a rather unusual situation. Apparently ...

Dog sleeps on street for 11 years, wakes up after nap and realizes his entire world has changed

The woman who owned the porch where the dog slept had noticed him there for a few days. But when ...

Dog refuses to leave grave – then a woman sneaks closer to find the truth

The photographer who took the picture is Vesna Mihajloski, who lives in Serbia. She approached the grave to see why ...

Michael rescues sick dog Milo from the street - 70 days later something absolutely fantastic happens

Milo was first discovered by some students at the University of Bangsaen. They contacted Michael and told him that they’d ...

No One Cared About This Dirty Street Dog. Until One Person Came Along And Changed Everything.

Here’s what Coconut looked liked when he was found. Photo source Although he looked terrible on the outside, the staff ...