New machine can turn any alcoholic drink into ice cream, including beer
Summer is here, the weather is hot, and everyone is looking for an ice cold treat to help them beat the heat. Maybe you reach for a cold beer, or maybe ice cream is more ...
Summer is here, the weather is hot, and everyone is looking for an ice cold treat to help them beat the heat. Maybe you reach for a cold beer, or maybe ice cream is more ...
The Fourth of July is this weekend, and everyone in America is gearing up to celebrate the country’s birthday in the most American way possible: eating too many hot dogs and drinking a lot of ...
Beer: is there anything it can’t do? It’s the perfect drink for relaxing after a hard day’s work, catching up with friends or working up the confidence to hit the dance floor. But sometimes beer ...
It’s been a long, crazy year, to say the least, as the COVID-19 pandemic has affected aspect of our lives — including how we drink. So many beer lovers have had to endure months without ...
For most of us the past year has been a long and stressful one, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But now, it finally seems like there’s an end in sight, and we’re returning to normalcy. ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has dominated all of our lives for over a year now, and while we’re finally approaching the light at the end of the tunnel, no one can forget what it was like ...
Modern times have seen no shortage of life-changing technological breakthroughs: the Internet, cell phones, etc. But all of that pales in comparison to the breakthrough in artificial intelligence that one YouTuber has brought into existence. ...
For more than a year, the coronavirus pandemic has changed all of our lives in countless ways. But for a certain type of person, the absolute worst part was that the bars were closed. Lockdowns ...
The past year has been a very unusual for all of us. The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we live, the way we work… and the way we drink. Bars and restaurants have either ...
Easter was yesterday, a holiday that also marks the end of Lent. Christians who gave up their favorite guilty pleasure for the past 40 days and 40 nights are now free to eat fast food ...